Warrant of Fitness (WoF)
We can manage your Warrant of Fitness!
By law, a WOF is mandatory to ride your motorcycle or scooter over 50cc (or equivalent if electric). A current WOF shows the vehicle has been inspected by an approved WOF inspector and was roadworthy at the time of the last WOF inspection.
Important: In order for us to conduct a WOF, you need to make a prior booking with us as we cannot do a WOF while you wait.
We will inspect all warrant items, complete minor repairs, and advise about any major work to be done. The paperwork is completed by an approved WOF inspector from the automotive workshop nearby.
A WOF will have different expiration dates based on the date of the registration of your motorcycle. To know more about WOF renewals and the features that are being inspected – take a look at the advice given by NZTA here.